
Tradicionālās kultūras arhīvi: 100 + 10 2024

Tradicionālās kultūras arhīvi: 100 + 10

Starptautiska zinātniska konference “Tradicionālās kultūras arhīvi: 100 + 10”
(“Archives of Traditional Culture: 100 + 10”)
29. līdz 31. oktobris
Rīgas dome, Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka

Latviešu folkloras krātuves 100. jubilejas gadā starptautiskā zinātniskā konference bija viens no pasākumiem, kurā dažādu humanitāro un sociālo zinātņu nozaru pētnieki diskutēja par tradīciju arhīvu pagātni un to nākotnes perspektīvām – aizvadītajiem 100 gadiem un nākamajiem 10. Konferencē izskanēja pavisam 34 referāti, kuru autori ir zinātnieki no 17 valstīm. Plenārlekciju autores: Marina Čerņavska (Maryna Chernyavska) no Kanādas un LU LFMI pētniece Sanita Reinsone. Akadēmiskā foruma kultūras programmā bija dižkokles spēle Rīgas domē (muzicēja “Rīgas danči” no Rīgas Latviešu biedrības Folkloras komisijas), folkloras kustības vēsturei veltītas izstādes atklāšana LNB ēkas Draugu telpā (kuratori: Toms Ķencis, Aigars Lielbārdis), kā arī “Skandinieku” koncerts Kultūras un tautas mākslas centrā “Ritums”.

Konferences ieraksti pieejami LU LFMI facebook un LFK youtube kontos.

Konferenci rīkoja LU LFMI Latviešu folkloras krātuve sadarbībā ar Starptautiskās Etnoloģijas un folkloras biedrības (Société Internationale d´Ethnologie et de Folklore, SIEF) Arhīvu darba grupu un Kultūras mantojuma un īpašuma darba grupu un Rīgas domi.

Konference tika organizēta ar SIEF, Nordic Culture Point (project Nr. 31989 “Heritage and Future Network”), Valsts kultūrkapitāla fonda, Latvijas Republikas Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas (budžeta apakšprogramma 05.04.00 “Krišjāņa Barona Dainu skapis”), Rīgas domes un biedrības “Cultus” atbalstu.


Tuesday, October 29

Session 1
Chair: Rita Grīnvalde
Opening remarks:
Eva Eglāja-Kristsone, Director of the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art, University of Latvia
Baiba Moļņika, Secretary General of the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO
Dāvis Stalts, Head of the Culture Commission of the Riga City Council

Plenary lecture I
Maryna Chernyavska. Listening Deeply, Holding Plurality, Unfolding Relationships: What Archivists Can Learn from Folklore Archival Practice

Session 1+1
Chair: Valdis Muktupāvels
Ave Goršič (Estonia). Do You Know Who You Are? A Memory Institution’s Role and Vision a Century Ago
Ieva Weaver (Latvia). Over-layers of the Archives: Toward Including Folklore Revival Data in the Archives of Latvian Folklore
Outi Hupaniittu (Finland). What is Important in the Future - Acquisition Policies and the Significance of the Ordinary
Clíona O’Carroll (Ireland). Balancing ‘in the Now’ and ‘in the Future’: Tightrope Walking in Community-based Collecting and Archiving

Reception at Riga City Council: a welcome address by Linda Ozola, Deputy Chairwoman of the Riga City Council; dižkokle performance by “Rīgas danči”

Wednesday, October 30

Session 2+1
Chair: Aigars Lielbārdis
Niina Hämäläinen (Finland). What is There, is Not There—Remarks on the Archive Material of Elias Lönnrot
Natali Ponetajev (Estonia). From a Hundred-year-old Crackling Phonograph Recording to the Present Day. Distribution and Possibilities of Using Instrumental Folk Music Recorded on Wax Cylinders Today Based on the Materials of the Estonian Folklore Archives
Oksana Mykytenko (Ukraine). Polesie Archives and Its Significance for the Study of Folk Culture
Austė Nakienė (Lithuania). Collections of the Famous Lithuanian Archaeologists Marija Gimbutienė and Rimutė Rimantienė in the Lithuanian Folklore Archives

Session 2+2
Chair: Digne Ūdre
Marleen Metslaid (Estonia). Traditions and Realities in Shaping Ethnographic Archives of the ERM in the 20th Century
Johannes Müske (Germany). Tradition Archives and the Ethnographic Encounter, or How to Actualize a Folk Song Archive?
Marja-Leena Jalava (Finland). Changes and Chances Reflecting on the History of Ethnographic Questionnaires in Order to Navigate the Future
Jacek Jackowski (Poland). To Collect and Protect Ethno-Phonographic Heritage. 10 Years of the Etnofon Project

Session 4+1
Chair: Laine Kristberga
Getter Lauk (Estonia). Tracing Footsteps: Exploring the Dance Heritage of Old Võromaa
Elīna Gailīte (Latvia). A Search in the Folklore Archive: Choreographer Rita Zemīte
Matěj Kratochvíl (Czech Republic). Digital Archives of Folk Music and Dance as a Source for Folklore Revival Ensembles

Session 4+2
Chair: Ilga Vālodze Ābele
Simon-Olivier Gagnon (Quebec, Canada). Current and Future Oral and Sound Collectors: Folklorists, Ethnologists and Radio Producers. The Case of the Archives de Folklore et d’Ethnologie de l’Université Laval
Bridgette Hammond (USA). 90 + 10: Securing the Future of a Folk Festival Archive
Eduards Grieznis (United Kingdom; Latvia). Towards Greater Interaction with Folk Song Archives
Ilya Shneyveys (USA; Latvia). Black Rooster Meets the Golden Peacock: Discovering and Recovering the Emilis Melngailis’ Jewish Music Collection

Opening of the exhibition “Awakening and the Folklore Movement: Key Events”
(curators: Toms Ķencis and Aigars Lielbārdis)

Thursday, October 31

Session 6+1
Chair: Asta Skujytė-Razmienė

Plenary lecture II
Sanita Reinsone. Digital Dynamics in Folklore Archives: Charting Community Engagement Patterns

Session 5+3
Chair: Sandis Laime
Monica Marion, Will Lamb, Brian Ó Raghallaigh; Bea Alex, Tiber Falzett; Barbara Hillers; Críostóir Mac Cárthaigh, Julie-Anne Meaney, Andrea Palandri, Jamshid Tehrani (USA; Ireland; UK). Using and Enhancing the Gaelic Tradition Archives: The ‘Decoding Hidden Heritages’ Project
Kati Kallio, Maciej Janicki, Mari Sarv, Eetu Mäkelä (Finland; Estonia). Digital Explorations of Collections of Oral Poetry
Margarita Moisejeva (Lithuania). Digitization of Lithuanian Old Believers and Orthodox Collections in the Archive of Lithuanian Folklore
Zhuolin Li, Wenyan Wang (UK; China). Digital Sound Archives of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Strategy for Interactivity and Knowledge Sharing

Session 6+3
Chair: Ave Goršič
Lekoko Kenosi (United Arab Emirates). Preserving South Africa’s Intangible Audiovisual Archives: Lessons for the Global North
Asta Skujytė-Razmienė (Lithuania). Archives and Permacrisis: Securing Cultural Heritage in Turbulent Times
Toms Ķencis (Latvia). The Brittle Archive: Soviet Latvian Porcelain in Folklore Field

Excursion at the Archives of Latvian Folklore

Session 8+2 Chair: Toms Ķencis
Sony Prosper (USA). Archival Repatriation and Return: Current Trends and Directions
Larysa Vakhnina (Ukraine). Creation of a New Fund of Evidence of the Russian-Ukrainian War in the Archive of the M. T. Rylskyi Institute of Art Studies, Folklore and Ethnology of the National Academy of Science
Laura Alhach (Colombia; Spain). (In)Visible Yuruparí: Exercises in Political, Collective, Material and Embodied Memory (remote)
Maria Isabel Lemos (Portugal). Archives & ICH in Postcolonial Settings: an Ethnographic Experience (remote)

Session 10+1
Chair: Ieva Garda-Rozenberga
Liina Saarlo, Helina Harend (Estonia). We Need to Explain and Discuss a Lot: the Possibilities of Verifying the Results of the Authenticity Check Using Digital Humanitarian Methods
Christina Crowder (USA). Designing and Implementing Community-Driven Digital Heritage Projects
Adriana Kapała (Poland). Oral History—Oral Community. The Impact of Community Archives in Polish Narratives
Tom Fogel (Israel). Community-driven Tradition Archives: Thoughts and Reflections on Yemeni Folklore in Israel (remote)

Latvian folk music concert by “Skandinieki”. Host: Ieva Weaver. Closing reception.
